Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Prospective students may be placed on the wait-list for up to three years, but this does not guarantee a three-year wait period. RPD in Huntsville has the authority to decide when a transition occurs from their wait-list to a college's registration list that provides the prospective student's desired program. We ask for your understanding and patience during this process, as it may take some time. It is important to note that your student will be enrolled in the first available college roster offering their awaited program. There is a possibility your student may not be placed with Alvin Community College. RPD in Huntsville decides which college a student will be assigned, and Alvin College does not have any influence over which names are placed on our registration list.

Now that your student has been transferred for education, an Academic Advisor will be assigned to guide you through the enrollment process. The Advisor will assist in completing a new student package and discuss payment options, including financial aid. The Academic Advisor will address any questions and ensure a clear understanding of the requirements for academic success.

During the initial two weeks of class, there might be some disorganization on the unit, and it may take a while for lay-ins to be cleared. Your patience is appreciated as we work to resolve these issues. If you still have concerns, please don't hesitate to email our office at:

Please contact your ACC-TDCJ Academic Advisor to discuss which classes will transfer. Every Institution reserves the right to accept technical courses for transfer credit. All academic courses will transfer to any community college or university in the state of Texas. For out-of-state transfer requirements, please refer to the institution of your choice in your home state. Once you have been accepted by a community college or university, you should request your official transcript using the form below.

TDCJ Services Request Form

There's no need for him to drop his classes. His advisor will meet with him at the earliest opportunity to explore options for completing his courses. Typically, he will continue attending class, and his instructor(s) will be promptly informed of his parole approval or denial. The instructor(s) will collaborate with him to ensure all coursework is completed before his transfer or release.

In situations like this, we will provide you with copies of your fee statements from each semester you attended Alvin Community College to indicate which semester(s) were covered by PSER. Please email us with your concern, and we will assist you accordingly.